It is the best of times, if you are an Obamacare supporter. It is the
worst of times, if you are against it.
Or is it? Commentators have pointed out that this was a very complex ruling, and it will be a while before everything is sorted out. Some, like State's TOM Scocca, are asking whether defecting and swinging the vote in favor of the Affordable Care Act was a “canny” move on the part of Chief Justice Roberts to restrict regulatory power under the commerce clause. Randy Barnett calls this ''a weird victory for federalism'',Richard Epstein''claims that Roberts’ argument that going without health insurance is now something the government can tax “like buying gasoline or earning income” is ''little short of absurd'' ,” It will be a while before this is all untangled.
Or is it? Commentators have pointed out that this was a very complex ruling, and it will be a while before everything is sorted out. Some, like State's TOM Scocca, are asking whether defecting and swinging the vote in favor of the Affordable Care Act was a “canny” move on the part of Chief Justice Roberts to restrict regulatory power under the commerce clause. Randy Barnett calls this ''a weird victory for federalism'',Richard Epstein''claims that Roberts’ argument that going without health insurance is now something the government can tax “like buying gasoline or earning income” is ''little short of absurd'' ,” It will be a while before this is all untangled.